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Extract Module


Extracting a module, let’s call it M, from a config C.

Start with a list of resource and/or data blocks that you’d like to extract.

  1. Create module folder with a,,
  2. Include the new empty module from config C with a module block
  3. Move the extracted elements from C to M’s
  4. Add moved blocks to prevent state changes
  5. For each reference in M to elements in C
    1. Add a variable to M’s
    2. Move the expression to an attribute in C’s module include
    3. Replace the expression in M with a reference to the variable
  6. For each reference in C to elements in M
    1. Add it as an output to M’s
    2. Change the reference in C to use the module’s output.
  7. Verify Empty Plan


See tfrefactor.

tfrefactor extract -t ../mymodule my_resource.a my_resource.b

Source code


# C/main.yml
locals {
  a_local = "local_val"
resource "my_resource" "a" {
resource "my_resource" "b" {
  a_val = local.a_local
resource "something" "else" {
  attribute = my_resource.a.attr


# M/
resource "my_resource" "a" {
resource "my_resource" "b" {
  a_val = vaar.b_a_val

# M/variables
variable "b_a_val" {

# M/
output "a_attr" {
  value = my_resource.a.attr

# C/
locals {
  a_local = "local_val"
resource "something" "else" {
  attribute = module.m.a_attr
module "m" {
  source = "../M"
moved {
  from my_resource.a
  to module.m.my_resource.a
moved {
  from my_resource.b
  to module.m.my_resource.b

State operations

If not using moved blocks introduced in Terraform 1.1, a state mv operation must be used to avoid destroying and recreating resources.

terraform state mv my_resource.a module.m.my_resource.a
terraform state mv my_resource.b module.m.my_resource.b

See also.

  • Move resource to module
  • Rename resource
  • Rename output
  • Rename variable